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안드로이드 빌드시 공간부족(Out of memory: Java heap space.) 안드로이드 빌드시 공간부족(Out of memory: Java heap space.) 에러 내용 Out of memory: Java heap space. Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file. For example, the following line, in the gradle.properties file, sets the maximum Java heap size to 1,024 MB: 해결 방법 android/gradle.properties 에서 org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m 를 추가하면 해결됨 org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m 2022. 7. 27.
RN - Error : internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582 throw err internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582 throw err 해결방법 Delete the node_modules directory Delete the package-lock.json file Run npm install Run npm start 명령어는 하단 참조 rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm install && npm start 2022. 7. 27.
[minSdkVersion] Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 18 dered in library : [RN Android Error] 오류사항 캡쳐 에러 메세지 : [minSdkVersion] Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 18 dered in library [minSdkVersion] Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 18 dered in library 해결방법 Android/build.gradle 에서 minSdkVersion = 18 로 변경 해결 내용 캡쳐 오류 사항 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed fo.. 2022. 7. 27.
[RN] 에러 - @react-native-community의 native_modules.gradle를 못찾을 때 > Could not read script 'my-code-path\node_modules\@react-native-community\cli-platform-android\native_modules.gradle' as it does not exist. > Could not read script 'my-code-path\node_modules\@react-native-community\cli-platform-android\native_modules.gradle' as it does not exist. 위와 같은 에러를 만난다면 Android cli 패키지를 수동으로 설치하면 해결된다. npm i @react-native-community/cli-platform-android 2022. 7. 27.